This 4-digit number is an added layer of security. You’re entering the wrong personal identification (PIN) number.
Following the instructions on how to activate the card before attempting to use it.You may have to call a specific phone number, or even make an ATM withdrawal before the card is activated. When you receive a debit card, it comes with instructions on how to activate the card. If you plan to spend over that limit, call them in advance to have them allow the purchase to proceed.Asking your financial institution what their daily spending limit is set at.This is often done to protect the user from fraudulent purchases. This means they only let you spend up to a specific dollar amount or withdrawal only a specific dollar amount in a 24-hour period. Most banks and credit unions have specific limits imposed on their cards. You are exceeding your daily spending limit. Use your financial institution’s overdraft protection service.Monitoring your account closely through online or mobile banking.When’s the last time you checked the balance in your checking account? If there’s not enough money in the account to cover the purchase, the card will be declined.

We’ve compiled a list of the 9 top reasons your debit card could be declined, and how you can avoid this uncomfortable situation in the future. Why is my debit card declined? It can be frustrating and unnerving to try and use your debit card only to be told the transaction was denied. Janu| White Rose Credit Union | Financial Wellness